Finding Hope in the Midst of Grief

Ashley was a wonderful mom who devoted her life to raising her kids, including a 17-year-old daughter, Carol, with multiple disabilities.

When Carol suddenly took a turn for the worse, an ambulance took her to a hospital in another county. Ashley stayed in the hospital room while Carol fought for her life.

While Ashley was in the hospital, her husband ran off with all their money, leaving all the bills unpaid. When Carol died of complications, Ashley and her surviving daughter, Lara, had no place to go. They had been evicted because they couldn’t pay the rent.

Ashley showed up at The Salvation Army a broken woman.

Through many tears, she shared her story. The Army immediately paid Ashley’s rent so she and Lara could stay in their home. They also provided food and clothing. Others in the community stepped up to help pay her bills.

Ashley continued battling depression, but slowly improved. Now, 2ó years later, she’s working as an assistant manager at a restaurant, and is doing well.

“You helped me when my child died,” she told The Salvation Army. “I just wanted to say thank you.”

And if she could meet you today, she’d tell you the same thing. Thank you!




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