What We Do

Social Services | Utility Assistance

Adult Education Services from The salvation Army of Northeast Ohio

Helping people Get Through Some Troubling Times

Emergency Utility Assistance: The Salvation Army offers crisis intervention and utility assistance to stop disconnection of utility services or the start of utility services for low income families.  Our social service caseworkers help families and individuals pay their utility bills in order to get through emergency crisis. In-person requests are received throughout the year during normal weekday hours, as well as telephone inquiries and referrals from other human service agencies.

The Salvation Army recognizes that a request for help with a utility shut off often involves a complex set of circumstances. For this reason, each applicant receives much more than the processing of his or her paperwork. Through a one-to-one interview, the Salvation Army caseworker aims to identify the often multiple factors contributing to the household's emergency situation and provide other forms of assistance, referrals, budget counseling, and emotional support as necessary. This holistic approach of meeting need wherever it is found allows The Salvation Army to help in a way that reduces the likelihood of future crisis, and, in many cases, prevents homelessness.

Emergency Direct Assistance: Provided through social workers or family service workers at the Corps community locations. The staff provides service to needy individuals and families with documented need in the following areas: clothing and utility assistance for crisis intervention. Intake and assessments will link client to other programs within The Salvation Army or community resources.

Emergency Assistance / Crisis Intervention
(Funding provided through utility grants from local utility providers)

  • Gas utility assistance through local utility providers.
  • Electric utility assistance through local utility providers.


Direct Assistance
(Funding supplemented by special grants)

  • Vouchers for emergency assistance with clothing and small household items.
  • Emergency intervention and referral for PRC/Welfare, drug and alcohol addiction, shelter, domestic violence, etc.
  • Disaster Relief for local incidents such as fires.


Questions regarding Utility or Direct Assistance? Please contact: Karen Brauer, Social Services Supervisor, at (216) 623-7423 or email her at karen.brauer@use.salvationarmy. org