Inmate Comments on the Houses of Healing Class

The Houses of Healing program being offered to me here at GRC (Grafton Reintegration Center) is very informative and really helps me open my eyes to some of the real situations I will face once I am released back into society. Our facilitator is very well prepared with information that helps us deal with everyday life situations. With him being a former inmate himself, he understands what we are going through and gives us insight into how he handled similar situations of his incarceration.

- Lawrence

I am currently located in Grafton Correctional Camp. I have taken a lot of programs during my incarceration, and the one that stands out the most is Houses of Healing. The reason I say so is because it helps me look at life in a different way. When I read the book, it has a lot of stories I could relate to and helps me realize that I wasn’t the only person in the world that thinks the way I do. I have made bad choices in my life and now is the time to correct them. This is my first prison number and it started at the age of 31. I’m now 34 and will be released shortly. I will have to use all the tools I collected while here and apply them so I won’t ever have to return. The only way I want to return is by coming in to speak with inmates to help them change their ways of thinking and living.

- Lamara
I am not a bad person, but I’ve made bad choices that led me here to prison. This is my first number and I go home this year after a four year sentence for trafficking in marijuana. At age 45, prison has given me a new start and programs like this one I am very grateful for because I need real help and this program has done me a world of good and for that I’m very thankful.

- Wilfred
