Adopt-A-Kettle in Wood County
Every year The Salvation Army encourages groups, organizations, families, and individuals to participate in our Adopt-A-Kettle program during our annual Red Kettle Campaign. It's a great way to show your support of The Salvation Army. These funds are invested back into our community by offering food assistance, utility assistance, emergency help, and so much more.It's easy! Simply contact Harley, Service Center Director, Bowling Green Service Unit. She will be happy to assist you with finding a date, time, and location that best suits your needs!
Harley Maddox
Phone: 419-352-5918
Fax: 419-353-5009
What is Adopt-A-Kettle?
Adopt-A-Kettle is when groups or individuals volunteer to take responsibility of a Salvation Army Red Kettle for a time period during the holiday season. You let us know when and where works best for you, and then we do our best to schedule you or your group at that location!
What is the time commitment?
You tell us. We want to be able to work around your schedule. For volunteer groups, we have Red Kettles out from 10:00 AM until 8:00 PM. You or your group can adopt a Red Kettle for a full day or, if it works better for your schedule, we are happy to schedule you for a partial day shift. We ask that all groups adopt a Red Kettle for a minimum of 2 hours.
How does this help?
We need people to stand at every Red Kettle in the greater Toledo area. The simple act of standing at a Red Kettle and greeting donors means you are actively raising money to support The Salvation Army's socials services, food pantries, children's activities, and many other operations during the year.
Is there an age minimum?
Individuals under the age of 16 must have an adult present.
How many people can stand?
We prefer there to only be 2-3 people at the Red Kettle at one time. We encourage groups to sign up and divide the hours into shifts for group members. Exceptions can be made.
What do we need to bring the day we Adopt-A-Kettle?
Please dress appropriately for the weather, as your Red Kettle stand may be outdoors. Remember, you are not only representing yourself, but you will be representing your group and The Salvation Army. You will be provided with an apron to wear and the bell to ring. We ask that there is no smoking or use of intoxicating substances while at the Red Kettle. Please feel free to bring hot chocolate or coffee to help you keep warm!