miles park


RISE | Services Offered

In understanding the needs of this population, RISE improves the physical, emotional, and spiritual life of those who have experienced prostitution and/or human trafficking. Programming is based on the latest available research and incorporates new ideas and findings that enable the staff to meet the clients where they are.

RISE offers comprehensive case management and survivor led support to those who have been or are victimized by the sex trade. Individualized service plans that assess the problems, needs, and identify the individualized goals for each survivor are developed. Healing from trauma, building a positive self-concept and self-esteem, living clean and sober, and helping individuals learn and have healthy relationships will be the hallmarks of RISE.

  • Services Offered
  • Intensive Case Management
  • Advocacy and Support
  • Information and Referral Services
  • Harm-Reduction, Education, and Prevention
  • Trauma Treatment through Individual Counseling
  • Psychosocial Groups, Educational Groups, Life Skills Groups, and Peer Led Support Groups
  • Assessments


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