Take the Meijer Toy Challenge!
Please help The Salvation Army ensure that thousands of children have toys to open on Christmas morning. For every new toy you give, Meijer will match it up to 500 toys ($10,000 value).
Ways to Participate:
- Collect new, unwrapped toys valued at $20-$25 each for children from birth to 12 years of age. Our goal is to collect 10,000 toys!
- Collect new hats, gloves, scarves and mittens for children up to 12 years of age.
- By December 11th: Arrange to drop off all gifts to The Salvation Army of Greater Cleveland's administration office located at 2507 E. 22nd Street, Cleveland OH.
Group Volunteer Opportunities:
- December 12-18: Help sort and pack toys for families who have registered in our program. Morning and afternoon shifts are available at our warehouse located at 4521 Willow Parkway, Cuyahoga Heights, OH.
- December 19: Help distribute toys to registered families from 9 AM - 4 PM at one of our five Corps Community Centers in Greater Cleveland.
- For more information on getting your organization involved, please contact Hannah MacIntyre at 216-623-7422 or Hannah.MacIntyre@USE.SalvationArmy.org